The customer's wallet
Having conducted a variety of cryptocurrency purchases and sales, the customer will likely want to review their cryptocurrency balances. The "wallet" represents the value of any cryptocurrency holdings the customer may have.
To query the customer's holdings, therefore, make a GET
query against the /v2/wallet
Querying the customer's cryptocurrency holdings example
At the time of writing (2022-05-10) there is a bug in the path handling on this endpoint - you must include the trailing
slash /
with your request or the response will be a 404 "not found".
curl \
--silent \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header 'source-ip-address:' \
--header 'source-user-agent: curl' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--request GET \
--location '' | jq .
"balances": [
"currency": "BTC",
"amount": "0.00289998"
"created": "2022-05-10T09:43:05Z"
In the given the example, the customer has a holding of roughly 0.0029 BTC (currently worth around 900 SEK)